
Summertime Tips for Managing Allergies and Asthma

June 20, 2018

As the summertime months roll-on, allergies and asthma associated with allergies don’t seem to let up. In order to best enjoy your summer vacation, we have compiled a brief list of tips that will make sure you and your child are breathing and feeling your best.

1. Have epinephrine auto-injectors readily available.

If you or a family member is at risk for anaphylaxis, it is so important to make sure your epinephrine auto-injectors are within the expiration date and are kept where they’re readily available. If your child has any plans to be away from home this summer, it is important that the adults around them know how to care for your child in your absence.

2. Be consistent with medication.

The best way to control your symptoms is to keep up with daily medications like antihistamines or inhalers. Giving the medication at a consistent time every day, and not only when symptoms are present, help in the long run to prevent flare-ups.

3. Be clean!

Pollen, the biggest culprit in allergy flare-ups, can go anywhere. It can track through the house through your clothes, shoes, skin, and pets. Making sure the house is clean regularly as well as bathing your pets during pollen season is the most effective way of decreasing allergen exposure. Be sure your children change their clothes before they enter their beds, and tools such as Neti Pots and saline drops are very useful for clearing away pollen in your sinuses.

4. Make a plan.

If your child has plans to go out of town this summer, it’s important to have a plan to ensure their safety. Making sure you meet with supervising adults it’s important to let them know how, when, and why to treat your child’s allergies or asthma.

One part of the plan that many can overlook is making sure you have the number and directions to a local ER. In Houston, TX, Memorial Heights ER is ready and equipped with all of the tools and technologies needed in order to care for you at a moment’s notice. Check-in on our website and give us a call if you are currently experiencing a medical emergency.

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