
Common Pregnancy Complications and What to Do About It

March 1, 2020

Pregnancy brings many changes to the body, such as weight gain, among other symptoms. However, some pregnancy symptoms may be severe and will require you to visit an emergency clinic near you. Below are some of the common pregnancy complications and how to identify an emergency.

1. Nausea and Vomiting

Vomiting and nausea are frequent during the first trimester. Mild nausea can be appropriately managed at home by eating crackers and light snacks. However, severe nausea, on the other hand, can cause loss of appetite and dehydration, which affects your health as well as the fetus.

If nausea keeps getting worse, seek medical attention. The doctor may prescribe multivitamins, medication, or a change of diet.

2. Bleeding

Bleeding at any stage of the pregnancy is an emergency and should be treated as such. In the first trimester, bleeding could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy, especially if accompanied by severe menstrual-like pain, dizziness, and severe abdominal pain. Ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening if not addressed on time.

During the early second trimester, heavy bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage, while in the third trimester, it can indicate a problem with the placenta such as abruption. Placental abruption occurs when the placenta separates or detaches from the uterus.

Regardless of the severity of the bleeding, it is essential to come to our Heights emergency room for treatment.

3. A decline in Baby Activity

Baby kicks are an indication that the fetus is healthy. However, if you notice a decrease in the frequency and intensity of the kicks, visit an emergency room near you.

Counting the baby kicks can help to determine when there is a problem. Although there is no specific number, on average, the baby can have ten kicks in two hours, anything less than the usual can be a sign of a problem.

4. Pre-term Labor

Pre-term labor or contractions can occur in the early third trimester. The contractions are unpredictable, non-rhythmic, with no intensity as the regular contractions. Plus, they last for less an hour.

If in doubt of whether you are having a contraction or not, visit our 24-hour emergency care for assessment, and the doctor may be able to stop the labor if it’s too early. Pay attention, normal contractions last about ten minutes apart and increase in intensity.

5. Preeclampsia Symptoms

Preeclampsia symptoms can include abdominal pain, visual disturbance, swelling, and persistent headaches. The condition is ideally caused by high blood pressure or excess protein in the urine. Preeclampsia can be life-threatening and fatal, and you should call the doctor immediately if you notice these symptoms regardless of their severity.

6. Water Breaks

Water breaking is the first sign of labor. However, if it happens before 37 weeks, it could be an emergency. Furthermore, premature water break can cause a significant loss of amniotic fluid or infection.

Remember, pregnancy puts pressure in the bladder, and therefore the water could only be a urine leak, but don’t take chances; visit an emergency room if in doubt.

Risk Factors to Avoid

The complications mentioned above can occur on anyone, but some factors can put you at risk of developing problems during your pregnancy.

  • Maternal weight includes patterns of weight and total weight gain, and it determines the outcome of the pregnancy. Remember, though, the weight is gained gradually, therefore both excessive and inadequate weight gain is a problem. Working with your doctor or dietitian can help manage weight during pregnancy.
  • Lifestyle habits such as smoking and alcohol are associated with low birth weight, congenital disabilities, and stillbirths.
  • Pre-pregnancy BMI that is below or above the recommended figures can lead to deficiencies and eating disorders.
  • Previous pregnancies and increase nutritional risk

Take Away

Pregnancy complications cause harm to the fetus as well as the mother. It is essential to work with your doctor during pregnancy to prevent them. Additionally, pay attention to the symptoms, and if you notice anything amiss, however minimal it might be, come to Memorial Heights emergency room for assessment.

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