Asthma Attack: Symptoms, Causes & Prevention
September 1, 2019Asthma is a condition that causes individuals to experience trouble breathing when exposed to specific triggers. When an asthma attack occurs, patients should seek medical care from a doctor at Memorial Heights ER.
What Causes an Asthma Attack?
Individuals that have a sensitive immune system may be prone to asthma attacks when they come into contact with certain triggers. Triggers for asthma can vary greatly, so patients should make notes of the triggers that have led up to asthma attacks and avoid them. Some common triggers for asthma may include:
- Pollen
- Mold
- Tobacco smoke
- Pets
- Air that is cold and dry
- GERD, or gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Increased stress
- Infections in the upper respiratory system
- Dust mites
Many patients experience worsening symptoms when they have an infection in their respiratory system, which can occur when patients catch the flu or a common cold. Asthma attacks can also be caused by the environment at work or no apparent reason at all – it all depends on your body and the specific triggers present.
Symptoms of an Attack
An asthma attack is caused by triggers that lead to inflammation of the airways, causing trouble breathing. Symptoms vary based on the individual and any medical conditions that may be co-occurring, but there are some common symptoms to look out for when you suspect that you or a loved one may be experiencing an asthma attack. Some of the signs of an attack include:
- Shortness of breath
- Tightness in the chest
- Wheezing or coughing
- Low readings on a peak flow meter, or PEF
- Symptoms do not respond to a rescue inhaler
If you attempt to gain control of your asthma and symptoms persist or worsen, it is important to visit an emergency room in 77007 to receive treatment and an assessment from a team of medical professionals.
Preventing Asthma Attacks
The best way to prevent an asthma attack is to avoid triggers of asthma. You should make sure that your asthma is well controlled by following your asthma plan, making an adjustment to a medication when necessary, tracking symptoms, and avoiding behaviors that could induce an attack.
While you won’t be able to eliminate every single trigger from your environment, you will be much less likely to suffer from attacks by being diligent about keeping it under control. You should take any medications as prescribed and use your inhaler as often as needed or recommended.
Preventative medications are often used to keep inflammation of the airways from worsening and causing symptoms of asthma or occur. When taken daily, patients may even be able to eliminate flare-ups and leave their emergency inhaler behind.
You should visit a doctor if you’re following your asthma plan and are still experiencing worsening, inconvenient, or frequent symptoms. When the weather is cold, make sure to stay covered with a face mask to avoid problems caused by cold air. You should also remain diligent when you have a cold or the flu.
What to Do During an Asthma Attack
An asthma attack can occur suddenly and cause panic. However, it is crucial to stay calm and look at the situation logically. To handle the situation in the best possible way, individuals should have an action plan available and be prepared to visit an emergency clinic if symptoms worsen or appear severe.
Follow Your Asthma Plan
Having an asthma plan is essential for individuals that deal with asthma. Your doctor can help you come up with a plan that keeps you safe during an asthma attack and lets others know how to care for you until medical help arrives. It shows you what medications to take, symptoms to keep an eye out for, when to seek treatment from a 24-hour emergency care center, and when a visit to the doctor is required.
Visit Memorial Heights ER Near You
In some cases, patients may be able to wait for an appointment with their doctor to discuss asthma symptoms. However, some patients will need immediate help from a medical professional and should visit an emergency room in Houston for prompt care from trained professionals.