
7 Habits of Injury Prevention for Runners and Triathletes

November 7, 2018

If you’re a runner or a triathlete, the last thing you want to do is leave a race due to getting injured. You don’t want to end up in a 24/7 Emergency care in Houston after all! Injury prevention near you can be quite easy if you know how to prepare properly for a race.

Make Sure to Properly Warm Up.

Many people learned static stretching when they were young, however by now you might have heard this technique has the potential to lower endurance performance as well as increasing the amount of energy it takes to run. Neuromuscular activation as well as dynamic exercises will better prep you for work you’re about to go through.

Practice Strength Training.

If you want to prevent and correct some muscle imbalances while improving your form, strength training is recommended for improving your running and cycling. You should include it in your workouts twice a week at a minimum.

Get the Proper Nutrition.

Training is not an excuse to eat whatever you want whenever you want. Healthy nutrition is important to helping your body do its best and also for recovering afterward. This includes avoiding processed food and focusing on eating whole foods. Vegetables are very important, and you should try to get at least 5-10 servings per day. Also, drink a lot of water. You should drink half of your body weight in ounces a day.

Get a Sports Massage.

Including one massage per month for your routine will actually be very helpful. It can release muscles, it can restore flexibility, and it can help prepare for future efforts. After all, stiff muscles can throw off your gait when running and lead to injuries when your body attempts to compensate for this.

Go Through Active Release Therapy.

You can find a sports chiropractor that practices active release technique. This will help with muscle adhesions as well as any overused muscles. This can prevent injury as well as treating existing problems. It can break up scar tissue as well as releasing pressure on your tendons and your nerves.

Stretch After You Run.

Keep your muscles loose and release tired muscles by practicing static stretching after a workout. You might also attempt a post-run yoga workout after running for something different.

Designate a Rest Day.

Set a side a day for resting. Your muscles will recover and rebuild during this time to become even stronger. You should aim for at least one day of rest a week. Can’t stop moving? Focus on easy walking and light stretching.

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